A dodger whose name is not Roger

I told AllesGirl that I was taking apart our Dodger so I could make a new one.  This is what she sent back:

Creative, no?
Creative, no?

Our dodger – once so proud and waterproof (I’m guessing), once keeping rain and wind off the gentle faces of the crew – had not fared well over the winter.  It had also not fared well under Lola’s attentions.  Lola, who is 7 lbs of destructive force wrapped in fur.  The fabric now so thin you can see through it, the thread completely rotten, covered in fur, the windows shattered from the cold, the hardware causing the boat to rust…  Yes, it is time for our the dodger (whose name was not Roger) to be replaced.  This was #1 reason for the sewing machine though there are plenty of others.

We look like hillbillies...
We look like hillbillies…

Step one: take down existing dodger.  Lola loves this dodger with her whole heart so it was very sad times for her when I took it down.  She wrapped figure-eights around my ankles, looking up as if to ask: why are you doing this to me, Mom?

The Dodger in ruins...
The Dodger in ruins…  Lola in distress.

I ripped open the seams, tore off the extra pieces (remember the rotten thread comment?  We were one good blow away from complete failure), and laid out the big pieces on our finger pier.

Here it is. What am I doing?
Here it is. What am I doing?

Step two: label all pieces with sharpie so I don’t confuse myself when presented with an out-of-context wadded up piece of fabric.

Step three: lay out the new fabric.

6 yards of high-tech happiness.
6 yards of high-tech happiness.

Step four: lay the old pieces on the new fabric, making sure the wrong sides are up.

I'm trying to look like I know what I'm doing.
I’m trying to look like I know what I’m doing.
See my very stylish knee pads?
See my very stylish knee pads?

Step five: trace around old pattern pieces leaving room for seam allowances where necessary.  I think.

I'm getting sunburned...
I’m getting sunburned…

Step six: cut out along traced lines and pray…

Oh, and then AllesGirl sent this.


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